Day trip to the Allgäu

Really lucky that I got an appointment for the first service within 3 days – even that it is high season and the workshops are normally fully booked.
One more good reason that it was worth to swap from Triumph to BMW.

With the serviced motorbike and great weather for riding (no rain and 25 degrees) it’s time to explore one of the most famous parts of Germany – the Allgäu.

You find there great roads, stunning landscape, great food (especially cheese), lakes like the
Forggensee surrounded by mountains, some beautiful cities like Füssen, the UNESCO world heritage site Wieskirche and the most famous one, the Neuschwanstein castle.

The only downside is, that if you travel there in holiday times, it will be very very crowded. Almost the same like in the Dolomites, Italy.

As I travelled mostly on small roads, out of the holiday season and during working days, the traffic was easy.

On the way – great views and lonesome roads.


Neuschwanstein castle – as I have seen this already, this time I just took a break and did some photos from the distance.

On the way back to Munich or upper Bavaria, I really recommend to visit the Plansee in Austria. Fill up the fuel in Austria, it’s more cheap than in Germany and the scenery is awesome.

What a great and relaxing trip. Normally should stay longer in this area. It’s absolutely worth it.

#dustysocks #bmwmotorrad #bmwgs #allgaeu #germany #makelifearide

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