EST – Ainaži to Tallinn

Murru Prison,Rummu, Estonia

20.06.24 – Day 27 solo trip to Estonia on a BMW R1150 RT

After a very very good sleep and a healthy breakfast with a lot of eggs I started at 9 am.
Not too cold and blue sky. What a difference to yesterday!
The only negative was a strong wind – can almost call it a storm.

After 1 km riding I arrived in country Nr 6 on this trip – Estonia.

I rode on a small road along the coast – not on the main highway (A 4).

The road along the coast was a bit bumpy but very nice to ride.

This changed when arrived back on the main roads – straight with heavy wind.

So I rode miles after miles – eating them for a late breakfast and early lunch.

The real excitement started when I arrived in Rummu. Rummu itself is a so so city. But, in Rummu you can visit the Murru Prison. Established in 1938 and closed in 2012 this prison is now mostly abandoned but you can visit it.

The experience is worth the side kick to Rummu – there is not a guided tour, you get an audio guide and can walk around by yourself. Unimaginable in most countries (especially Germany).

If you ask me how I felt walking around – the feeling is anxiety. This is almost comparable with the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial. Ok, in Rummu you need more phantasy as the site is abandoned but anyways you can smell the smell of crime.

I took some photos and the best is to let them speak for themselves in the following gallery. Then you can decide by yourself if this museum is worth a visit or not.

Close to the prison is a quarry where the privileged prisoners needed to work.

In the quarry you have now also a water park and a coffee shop – so a very touristy spot.

The last 45 km to Tallinn where unspectacular as mostly on main roads and not even a traffic jam.

In Tallinn I stay in the Ibis Hotel Center. 72 EUR per night incl. breakfast and a safe underground private parking for 15 EUR / day.
Worth the money!!

Please find the details of the trip in the link here.

Stay tuned and enjoy yourself!!


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1 Comment

  1. It’s interesting for me about the prison museum. Thank you for sharing the photos then can imagine how it is 🥰👍

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