GER- Wadern to Haan

BMW R1150 RT somewhere inn Germany

27.05.24 – Day 4 solo trip to Tallinn on a BMW R1150 RT

The ride from Wadern to Haan was nothing really special.
Mostly on highway (Autobahn) to make some mileage and save time.

What is worth reporting is the surprise that there was no traffic jam at all on the route.

In Germany, once you arrive close to big cities or crowded areas you can expect a traffic jam almost every time. But not on this day! Lucky me!!!

Had one nice view al. ong the road – everything out of this was riding, riding, riding to see my mom after 8 month.

In Haan, this city is close to the Rhine / Ruhr area I stayed 2 nights.

The place where I stay there is the “Hotel im Park”. Not too bad but the price for the night increases and the service offered decreases more and more whenever I arrive there.

247 km riding distance, noting really exciting as it was mostly on highways.

Stay tuned and enjoy yourself!!!

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1 Comment

  1. On one side it was really nice in Hann because you can meet your mom 🥰😘

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