Along the border – Bueng Khan to Nong Khai

It is getting cooler, seems like winter in the North-East of Thailand (Isaan) is arriving.
So let’s take it easy in the morning, relax and sleep longer!!

The trip today is a lot of highway again. Very lucky that that we are on the track with the Triumph Tiger 1200.

Some people will say that the Tiger is too heavy for hard core off-road riding. What I believe is not true, it’s all about the riding skills.
What is for sure, that a lighter and smaller bike is more maneuverable and easier to pick up.

The Tiger is perfect for long distance travelling on highways. Especially on highways where the tarmac is not in good condition.

On our way to Nong Khai we passed by The Northest Most of Isaan .
Great view across the Mekong to Laos.

Be aware of, that riding on small roads in this area out of the rainy season is dusty. Very dusty! There are several companies working with sand so the road is dirty from the trucks and when it’s windy, the air is dusty as well.

Nong Khai is located at the Mekong River, near the site of the first Thai–Lao Friendship Bridge, spanning the river to Laos. The Thai-Lao Friendship bridge was largely funded by a gift to the Lao government from the Australian government. It is the road and railway gateway to the Lao capital, Vientiane, 25 kilometers upriver, on the north bank opposite Thailand’s Si Chiang Mai district. Construction of a rail spur to Thanaleng outside Vientiane was started early-2007 and opened 5 March 2009.

Nong Khai has become a popular destination during the Buddhist Lent festival when mysterious balls of light, or Naga fireballs, rise from the Mekong River. The balls resemble an orange sun. They rise out of the river approximately 6–9 meters (20 to 30 feet) and disappear after three to five seconds. Although the fireballs can be seen at other times, most Thais travel to see them during the full moon in October when the incidence of them is considered to be much higher.

Arriving in Nong Khai on a Saturday is recommended. On Saturdays they have the night market with lots of delicious food, music and dancing.
And a great view over the Mekong river.

Sunset in Nong Khai – a great atmosphere!

Today 160 km on highway and dusty roads – but the evening made up for all the dust. What a relaxed time we had.

Find the detailed trip in the Calimoto link.

Have a great time, safe ridings and enjoy yourself!!!

#dustysocks #nongkhai #buengkhan #thailand #fuckspeed #triumphtiger1200 #fortheride #triumphtiger

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  1. To be honest sitting on the Triumph Tiger is really comfortable for a co-rider😍👍

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