Nan to Nam Pat, Uttaradit
The early bird is catching the worm or in other words when start early then you get cool and fresh air.
From Nan on the Hwy 1168 to the east was really a pleasure to ride.
What was not such a pleasure, is the 1168 up to the mountains to Ban Kio Nam. The first kilometers where good but then it started to get exhausting. In almost every curve sand and dirt. And the scenery was not such great as well. Hills covered with dry corn farms is not what I expected.
So, after 25 km I decided to go back and continue the trip.
Nevertheless…some good shots and sceneries in the morning.
After this 50 km excursion back on the track on Hwy 1243.
This is one of the roads in Nan you not meet much people, almost no villages and great road conditions.
When riding those roads, I sometimes ask myself why they built and maintain the roads?
Well, the only answer I get to this question is, that the Thai government want biker have as much fun as possible.
In my plan was go to the Sirikit dam and use the car ferry there. Some more moountains and twists on this route.
For this time I skipped the dam. As I not want to ride all day long, it was way too far and after the ferry for a long time no resort shown on the map.
The new route was on the Hwy 117 to Nam Pat. Smooth riding – very relaxing.
Enough riding for today, time to eat, take a nap and post in the blog.

Find the trip details in the links below
Calimoto: https://calimoto.com/calimotour/t-g2aAaY3Hqg
#dustysocks #dustysocksontour #rehimalayan #royalenfield #royalenfieldlovers #thailand #nan #uttaradit
I really love one of those photos because remind me about us in the first trip of Nan
This first trip was really awesome 🙂