Success!!! Picked up the Tiger on Saturday morning at Triumph Centro, Pombal.
The air in the hydraulic system of the clutch was removed, the fluid changed, quick shift changed and the front tire balanced.
Now the Tiger runs like it should have been from the start!!
Many many thanks to Ricardo and Greg for take care the motorbike!!!!
And sorry that I have to say this, but at Triumph Augsburg, where I bought the Tiger, you guy’s have no clue about preparing a brand new motorbike and, what is more worse, you not care about after sales service. This shop I definitely not recommend.
Myself, I was happy to leave Pombal. Even that I met friendly people, got good food and a great accommodation at the Cardal Hotel, it was time to go back on the road and feel the wind again.
Going North was the plan – all in all 239 km at the first day. A smooth ride in some mountain area and some relaxed cruising as well.

At a small city called Celorico de Basto I found a quiet countryside room. And enjoyed some well deserved beers after all this issues with the Tiger.

Here is the trip on Calimoto
Ride safe guy’s and enjoy yourself!
Time to explore and enjoy ride come back again…yeah