Umphang, Thailand to Khwi Ka Lon, Myanmar
Travelling to Myanmar is currently (Nov 22) possible but for foreigners not recommended.
Today’s ride go to the Thai – Myanmar border somewhere in the mountains of Tak.
Officially the border there is closed but inofficially it is possible to go to Myanmar and back to Thailand without any papers.
Some sort of small border traffic.
When you cross the boder to Myanmar as a non local, take care about the Myanmar border patrol.They might arrest you!
The ride to the border was quite relaxed with some great views.
After 85 km and 1,5 hrs ride, the official road ended at the border.
The army post there was the most friendly Thailand army soldier I ever met. He was very open minded, interested in many things. It was really a pleasure to meet him.
Tip: don’t forget to bring cable ties
Today I needed them, not for the motorbike but for fix the shoe. Seems like I should find a cobbler soon.

Find the tour details in the links below:
Calimoto: https://calimoto.com/calimotour/t-O9nHRWTkXZ