PL – Barlinek to Leba

Straight road in Poland BMW R1150 RT

02.06.24 – Day 10 solo trip to Estonia on a BMW R1150 RT

After a very relaxed first night in Poland and a delicious breakfast I started at 08.30 am.

Sky was dull and it was cold but soon it should get sunny and warm.

The plan is to arrive at the Baltic Sea, the question is, where exactly I want to go?

As I stayed in the middle of somewhere, it will be a long riding day again. This is for sure.

The ride itself was great. Only small roads – almost all of them mostly straight.
I already wondered why here are so many Harley Davidson on the roads. Now I know. It’s perfect for a relaxed cruising time.

When passing by a small city named Miroslawiec, I noticed a fighter jet in the middle of the city. And a tank beside. Seems to be a monument so I turned and dropped by.

This town has some military history as the 12th Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Base is located 5 km north of Miroslawiec. In 2008, on this air base was a serious plane crash with 20 people dead.

Continuing the trip brought me to more straight roads

and the question, where to find a coffee shop?

Seems like in Poland they not like going to a coffee shop or maybe I didn’t recognise the shops. Anyways I not find one on the road, only in Slupsk at a BP gas station I got a hot coffee.

There, at the gas station, I also checked where to finally go and I decided to arrive to Leba.

Leba is a seaside town in the Pomeranian Voivodeship of northern Poland. It is located near the Łebsko Lake and the mouth of the river Łebaon the Slovincian Coast of the Baltic Sea.

Smart as I thought I am, I booked a small house in Zarnowska close to Leba as I intend to stay here for three nights, have a look around and go for a motorbike day trip along the coast.
Unfortunalely my decision was not such smart. Ok, it’s quiet here but the internet is very very weak what is a no go in 2024.
So when I write this I sit not in my house, I sit in a small room close to the router. Not really funny.

If you ever arrive here, try to avoid Przystanek Kaszuby. It’s not worth the money you have to pay.

In total 316 km yesterday – a pleasant riding day.

Find the details of the trip in the link here.

Stay tuned guy’s and enjoy yourself!!


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1 Comment

  1. This road remind about Esan of Thailand…lol.
    In moment time no matter where but if not good internet connection it is no goals.

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