Cologne to Gibraltar – day 16

Rain all night long and rain in the morning. But…it seems like that latest at lunch time the rain stops and weather will be better. And so it was!

Got ready for riding, very exciting to explore the mountains and the roads here around Alcoy.

The loop was around 180 km. Perfect for an afternoon ride.

Fellow riders out there, that was an awesome ride and exactly for what I am here.
Up to 27 degrees (yes it got a bit sweaty!), good road conditions, great scenery, almost no traffic – an absolute amazing ride.
Honestly – compared to this here, the Alps are totally overrated.

Not far from Gaianes is a nice reservoir / lake. Time for the first photo stop.

Playing a bit with panorama photos.

And some more photos somewhere in the mountains.

Small roads to small villages

That was a perfect half day trip like it should be.

Here is the link to the loop Calimoto

Ride safe guy’s and enjoy yourself!

#dustysocks #triumphtiger #fortheride #ridepure #fortheride #triumphmotorcycles #officialtriumph

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