One month in Thailand

After one month in Thailand not a big trip – yet!?

Busy with the house, busy organising many things and a trip to Rayong by car with the little one.
But some really great half day trips around in Sisaket. You can say, rice field trips as here the country is flat and jasmin rice is the most grown stuff here.

People from the big cities love rice fields… before harvesting they are green, looking good in the eyes.

The first challenge was to bring the Honda X4 back on the road. She needed a new battery — the old one was dead after a couple of years. And lost some sticky stuff, like a glue. Not easy to clean.
In the end, she ran like a young lady. Lots of fun cruising around in the green rice fields.

Next on the list of need to bring back was the Royal Enfield Himalayan. Royal Enfield says, their motorbikes are made like a gun. Well yes, they are true.
The Himalayan started easily and was ready for a trip to Khon Kaen for service at Yufar Enterprise. Unfortunately they are no longer Royal Enfield partner – see this post. But who cares, they do a great job and this is important.

After the service it was time to bring the nest generation for a ride. His first long ride and he really enjoyed that.

The funny thing is that the Himalayan is the only motorbike I own that allows this guy to reach the foot pegs.
Ok, maybe working with the X4 or the Rocket as well but going with the „Boss“, my wife not allows. She says, too much power and the boy might fall when I excelerate the trottle. Guess we need to discuss that topic again :-).

The best for last – the Triumph Rocket.

Can you imagine the smile on my face when starting this real power cruiser for the first time after a couple of month? What a sound (even with the stock exhaust) and how much incredible power this bike has.
Sure you can ride the Rocket smoothly. Just cruising around and enjoy the view and the wind.
But when riding alone, from time to time you need to wake up all the horses and the torque.

The first trip on small rural roads ended in an unpaved road. Always some surprises on Thailand roads!

Learned from this, for the next half day trips I did some planning and tried to avoid small roads.
As in our area here you have zero mountains, the roads are mostly straight. Perfect for some cruising trips.

Honestly, the Rocket is the ultimate motorbike for me. She simply fits to my body, very comfortable to ride and easy to handle even the weight is really high.

The only downsides are the small tank – fuel stops every 200 km and the heat from the engine.
Have a look my review after the first 3.000 km here.

OK, now you might ask yourself, what about the Triumph Tiger?? Well, not a single kilometer yet but stay tuned – mid of November we will start our first trip in Thailand. The plan is to ride along the Cambodian and Laos border.

Ride safe guy’s and enjoy yourself!

#dustysocks #fortheride #triumphrocket3 #royalenfield #rehimalayan #thailand

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